On 4/21/2021 11:18 PM, Eduardo Habkost wrote:
On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 10:50:10PM +0800, Xiaoyao Li wrote:
On 4/21/2021 10:12 PM, Eduardo Habkost wrote:
On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 02:26:42PM +0800, Chenyi Qiang wrote:
Hi, Eduardo, thanks for your comments!

On 4/21/2021 12:34 AM, Eduardo Habkost wrote:

Thanks for the patch.  Comments below:

On Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 05:37:36PM +0800, Chenyi Qiang wrote:
Virtual Machines can exploit bus locks to degrade the performance of
system. To address this kind of performance DOS attack, bus lock VM exit
is introduced in KVM and it will report the bus locks detected in guest,
which can help userspace to enforce throttling policies.

Is there anything today that would protect the system from
similar attacks from userspace with access to /dev/kvm?

I can't fully understand your meaning for "similar attack with access to
/dev/kvm". But there are some similar associated detection features on bare

What I mean is: you say guests can make a performance DoS attack
on the host, and your patch mitigates that.

What would be the available methods to prevent untrusted
userspace running on the host with access to /dev/kvm from making
a similar DoS attack on the host?

Thanks for all the clarifications below.  Considering them,
what's the answer to the question above?

Hi Eduardo,

Just make it more clear.

Bus lock detection contains two sub-features. One is bus lock debug exception, and the other is bus lock VM exit.

Bus lock #DB exception can help detect the bus locks acquired in user space and bus lock VM exit detects the bus locks insides VMs. To address the attacks from non-VM userspace attackers against VM, Bus lock #DB exception can help.

The Bus lock #DB exception support (https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/20210322135325.682257-3-fenghua...@intel.com/) extends the existing kernel command line parameter "split_lock_detect=" also applying to non-wb bus lock. For example, split_lock_detect=fatal will send SIGBUS to the attackers once this kind of #DB is detected.

1. Split lock 
Some CPUs can raise an #AC trap when a split lock is attempted.

Would split_lock_detect=fatal be enough to prevent the above attacks?


There are two types bus lock:
1. split lock - lock on cacheable memory while the memory across two cache
2. non-wb lock - lock on non-writableback memory (you can find it on Intel
ISE chapter 8, 

split lock detection can only prevent 1)

Is split_lock_detect=fatal the only available way to prevent them?

as above, 2) non-wb lock can be prevented by "non-wb lock disable" feature

Bus lock VM exit applies to both 1 and 2, correct?

2. Bus lock Debug Exception:
The kernel can be notified by an #DB trap after a user instruction acquires
a bus lock and is executed.

I see a rate limit option mentioned at the above URL.  Would a
host kernel bus lock rate limit option make this QEMU patch

No. Bus lock Debug exception cannot be used to detect the bus lock happens
in guest (vmx non-root mode).

We have patch to virtualize this feature for guest

that guest will have its own setting of bus lock debug exception on or off.

What's more important is that, even we force set the
MSR_DEBUGCTL.BUS_LOCK_DETECT for guest, guest still can escape from it.
Because bus lock #DB is a trap which is delivered after the instruction
completes. If the instruction acquires bus lock subsequently faults e.g.,
#PF, then no bus lock #DB generated. But the bus lock does happen.

But with bus lock VM exit, even the instruction faults, it will cause a BUS
LOCK VM exit.

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