On Wed, 23 Jun 2021 15:46:22 +0000
Taylor Simpson <tsimp...@quicinc.com> wrote:

> The output isn't actually indented, but it would be great if it were.
>  This is especially true for instructions where an "if" or "for" show
> up in the emitted code.

Emitting whitespaces in the parser is a bit annoying and fragile, but
it can be done.

We post-process the parser output with `indent` internally. We could
run it after the output is produced, but that would mean a new

I'd go for opportunistic indentation through `indent` if installed.

> Is there a way to force the parser not to emit a particular
> instruction (i.e., fall back on the reference implementation)?

Yes, see `gen_idef_parser_funcs.py`.

Alessandro Di Federico

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