Hi Dov,

On 7/19/21 6:24 AM, Dov Murik wrote:

(to show it's the same command you refer to above)


+static int
+sev_snp_launch_update_gpa(uint32_t hwaddr, uint32_t size, uint8_t type)

hwaddr is a confusing name here because it is also a typedef (which is
most likely uint64_t...).  Maybe call this argument `gpa` ?

Noted, 'gpa' sounds much better.

+static bool
+detectoverlap(uint32_t start, uint32_t end,
+              struct snp_pre_validated_range *overlap)

naming conventions dictate: detect_overlap


+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(pre_validated); i++) {
+        if (pre_validated[i].start < end && start < pre_validated[i].end) {
+            memcpy(overlap, &pre_validated[i], sizeof(*overlap));

Maybe simpler than memcpy:

     *overlap = pre_validated[i];


+    trace_kvm_sev_snp_launch_finish();

Maybe the trace should show some info about the snp_config.finish fields?

I did thought about it, but one of the field in the snp_config.finish is 4K in size and may fill the trace buffer quickly.

+kvm_sev_snp_ovmf_boot_block_info(uint32_t secrets_gpa, uint32_t slen, uint32_t 
cpuid_gpa, uint32_t clen, uint32_t s, uint32_t e) "secrets 0x%x+0x%x cpuid 0x%x+0x%x 
pre-validate 0x%x+0x%x"

The last argument is an end-addr (not a length), so maybe the format
string should end with:

    ".... pre-validate 0x%x - 0x%x"

Also I'd prefer to log the SevSnpBootInfoBlock fields in the order they
appear in the struct.



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