On 9/13/21 8:05 PM, Luis Fernando Fujita Pires wrote:
>>>     value = extract64(value, 0, nr_bits);
>>>     value = ((target_long)value << (64 - nr_bits)) >> (64 - nr_bits);
>> Oops, sorry. 64 might not be correct here. It would depend on the target 
>> being
>> either 32 or 64.
> In fact, sextract already does the sign extension, so this should be all 
> that's needed, right?
>     value = sextract<32,64>(value, 0, nr_bits);

I am fine with any solution ! Please give a try to this machine  :


It's the only one with a 64 bit decrementer :) 

(We should come up with a simpler test case)



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