(also adding qemu-devel to Cc)

On 9/26/21 16:25, Philippe Mathieu-Daudé wrote:
Hi Xuerui,

Looking at the script [1] used in your series adding LoongArch TCG
backend [2], I think all the bits are in place to also generate most
of the files required to run RISU [3] and use it to be able to test
Song Gao's LoongArch TCG frontend [4].
I skimmed over the source code in the afternoon, and indeed the encodings are textbook example of what should be auto-generated. However I didn't find the DSL syntax to be particularly palatable... maybe I was just reading a bit too quickly though.
Do you know developers / companies who might be interested in working
on this?

As Song replied, Loongson Corporation should be very interested in testing their own offerings. This collaboration is exactly what we as a community strive for, and I'll happily review any code here or in loongarch-opcodes repo for that.



[1] genqemutcgdefs from
[2] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2021-09/msg06601.html
[3] https://git.linaro.org/people/pmaydell/risu.git/tree/README
[4] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2021-09/msg04558.html

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