On Sat, 15 Jan 2022 at 06:19, Warner Losh <i...@bsdimp.com> wrote:
> I need to work through those things in our development branch before trying
> to fold them into this series. And I'm not yet sure the right way to do that 
> because
> many of the things are likely to be largish changes that may be tough to 
> manage
> keeping this patch series in sync. So I'm going to do all the trivial style 
> and
> tiny bug things first, then tackle this more fundamental issue. I've thought
> about it enough to understand that the code in this patch series has some
> conceptual mistakes that must be addressed. Having this very detailed feedback
> is quite helpful in laying out the path for me to fix these issues (even if I 
> don't
> ultimately do everything like linux-user, I'll know why it's different rather 
> than
> the current situation where there's much inherited code and the best answer
> I could give is 'well linux-user was like that 5 years ago and we needed to 
> make
> these hacks to make things work' which is completely unsatisfying to give and
> to hear.

Mmm. To the extent that the signal handling code you have in your out-of-tree
branch is "this is what FreeBSD is shipping to users and it works more-or-less",
maybe we should just accept that upstream with (with comments noting that
it's got issues/is based on an older linux-user) and then update it to
match today's
linux-user as a second round of patching? If we have a definite path to
eventually getting to the right place, I don't want to insist that you update
all this stuff in your branch first before we let it land upstream if that's
going to burden you with massively more work.

-- PMM

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