[ ... ]

Do you mind splitting as:

- Add TYPE_EMMC, emmc_class_init and sd_proto_emmc[] with
   already existing handlers (1 patch)

- Add new handlers, from smaller to sd_emmc_set_csd(),
   and finally mmc_set_ext_csd() with the EXT_CSD definitions
   (various patches).

Sure, I will reorganize the patchset. It will ease the review.

Otherwise LGTM!

What is your test suite?

Not simple.

Get the latest FW images for the rainier platform from :


and build a bootable eMMC with such a sequence :

  dd of=$mmc if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=128
  dd of=$mmc if=${fw_dir}/u-boot-spl.bin conv=notrunc
  dd of=$mmc if=${fw_dir}/u-boot.bin conv=notrunc bs=1K seek=64
  dd of=$mmc if=${fw_dir}/u-boot-env.bin conv=notrunc bs=1K seek=$((896 + 64))
xzdec $wicxz | dd status=progress of=$mmc conv=notrunc bs=1M seek=2
  truncate --size 16G $mmc

We could have a smaller image with a buildroot rootfs.

Then, boot with:

  qemu-system-arm -M rainier-bmc -net nic,netdev=net0 -netdev user \
        -drive file=$mmc.qcow2,format=qcow2,if=sd,id=sd0,index=2

The Aspeed machines (AST2600) can boot from flash or eMMC and the above
command line does the trick. It is not optimal.



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