Andrea Bolognani <> writes:

> On Tue, May 03, 2022 at 09:57:27AM +0200, Markus Armbruster wrote:
>> Andrea Bolognani <> writes:
>> > I still feel that 1) users of a language SDK will ideally not need to
>> > look at the QAPI schema or wire chatter too often
>> I think the most likely point of contact is the QEMU QMP Reference
>> Manual.
> Note that there isn't anything preventing us from including the
> original QAPI name in the documentation for the corresponding Go
> symbol, or even a link to the reference manual.
> So we could make jumping from the Go API documentation, which is what
> a Go programmer will be looking at most of the time, to the QMP
> documentation pretty much effortless.
>> My point is: a name override feature like the one you propose needs to
>> be used with discipline and restraint.  Adds to reviewers' mental load.
>> Needs to be worth it.  I'm not saying it isn't, I'm just pointing out a
>> cost.
> Yeah, I get that.
> Note that I'm not suggesting it should be possible for a name to be
> completely overridden - I just want to make it possible for a human
> to provide the name parsing algorithm solutions to those problems it
> can't figure out on its own.
> We could prevent that feature from being misused by verifying that
> the symbol the annotation is attached to can be derived from the list
> of words provided. That way, something like
>   # SOMEName (completely-DIFFERENT-name)
> would be rejected and we would avoid misuse.

Possibly as simple as "down-case both names and drop the funny
characters, result must be the same".

>> Wild idea: assume all lower case, but keep a list of exceptions.
> That could actually work reasonably well for QEMU because we only
> need to handle correctly what's in the schema, not arbitrary input.
> There's always the risk of the list of exceptions getting out of sync
> with the needs of the schema, but there's similarly no guarantee that
> annotations are going to be introduced when they are necessary, so
> it's mostly a wash.
> The only slight advantage of the annotation approach would be that it
> might be easier to notice it being missing because it's close to the
> name it refers to, while the list of exceptions is tucked away in a
> script far away from it.

We'd put it in qapi/pragma.json, I guess.

>> The QAPI schema language uses three naming styles:
>> * lower-case-with-hyphens for command and member names
>>   Many names use upper case and '_'.  See pragma command-name-exceptions
>>   and member-name-exceptions.
> Looking at the output generated by Victor's WIP script, it looks like
> these are already handled as nicely as those that don't fall under
> any exception.
>>   Some (many?) names lack separators between words (example: logappend).

How many would be good to know.

Ad hoc hackery to find names, filter out camels (because word splitting
is too hard there), split into words, look up words in a word list:

    $ for i in `/usr/bin/python3 /work/armbru/qemu/scripts/ -o qapi 
-b ../qapi/qapi-schema.json | sort -u | awk '/^### [a-z0-9-]+$/ { print "lc", 
$2; next } /^### [a-z0-9_-]+$/ { print lu; next } /^### [A-Z0-9_]+$/ { print 
"uc", $2; next } /^### ([A-Z][a-z]+)+/ { print "cc", $2; next } { print "mc", 
$2 }' | sed '/^mc\|^cc/d;s/^.. //;s/[^A-Za-z0-9]/\n/g' | tr A-Z a-z | sort -u`; 
do grep -q "^$i$" /usr/share/dict/words || echo $i; done

420 lines.  How many arguably lack separators between words?  Wild guess
based on glancing at the output sideways: some 50.

>> * UPPER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORE for event names
>> * CamelCase for type names
>>   Capitalization of words is inconsistent in places (example: VncInfo
>>   vs. DisplayReloadOptionsVNC).
>> What style conversions will we need for Go?  Any other conversions come
>> to mind?
>> What problems do these conversions have?
> Go uses CamelCase for pretty much everything: types, methods,
> constants...
>   There's one slight wrinkle, in that the case of the first letter
>   decides whether it's going to be a PublicName or a privateName. We
>   can't do anything about that, but it shouldn't really affect us
>   that much because we'll want all QAPI names to be public.
> So the issues preventing us from producing a "perfect" Go API are
>   1. inconsistent capitalization in type names
>    -> could be addressed by simply changing the schema, as type
>       names do not travel on the wire

At the price of some churn in C code.

Perhaps more consistent capitalization could be regarded as a slight
improvement on its own.  We need to see (a good sample of) the changes
to judge.

>   2. missing dashes in certain command/member names
>    -> leads to Incorrectcamelcase.

Names with words run together are arguably no uglier in CamelCase (Go)
than in lower_case_with_underscores (C).

>                                    Kevin's work is supposed to
>       address this

Except it's stuck.

Perhaps Kevin and I can get it moving again.

Perhaps we can try to extract a local alias feature that can be grown
into the more ambitious aliases Kevin wants (if we can solve the

>   3. inability to know which parts of a lower-case-name or
>      UPPER_CASE_NAME are acronyms or are otherwise supposed to be
>      capitalized in a specific way
>    -> leads to WeirdVncAndDbusCapitalization. There's currently no
>       way, either implemented or planned, to avoid this

A list of words with special capitalization needs[*]?

VNC is an acronym, some languagues want VNC in camels, some Vnc.

DBus is an abbreviation, some languages want DBus in camels, some Dbus.

> In addition to these I'm also thinking that QKeyCode and all the
> QCrypto stuff should probably lose their prefixes.

As Daniel pointed out, schema names sometimes have prefixes because we
need the generated C identifiers to have prefixes.

If we hate these prefixes enough, we can try to limit them to C

> Note that 3 shouldn't be an issue for Rust and addressing 1 would
> actually make things worse for that language, because at the moment
> at least *some* of the types follow its expected naming rules :)

Solving Go problems by creating Rust problems doesn't feel like a good
move to me.

>> > Revised proposal for the annotation:
>> >
>> >   ns:word-WORD-WoRD-123Word
>> >
>> > Words are always separated by dashes; "regular" words are entirely
>> > lowercase, while the presence of even a single uppercase letter in a
>> > word denotes the fact that its case should be preserved when the
>> > naming conventions of the target language allow that.
>> Is a word always capitalized the same for a single target language?  Or
>> could capitalization depend on context?
> I'm not aware of any language that would adopt more than a single
> style of capitalization, outside of course the obvious
> lower_case_name or UPPER_CASE_NAME scenarios where the original
> capitalization stops being relevant.

Makes sense.

[*] Sounds like crony capitalism, doesn't it :)

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