Author: John Snow -
Merge Request:
... from: jsnow/python-qemu-qmp:new_release
... into: qemu-project/python-qemu-qmp:main

***If this MR is approved, after merge I will be tagging this commit as 
"v0.0.2", building packages, and publishing them to PyPI.***

New release; primarily for the benefit of downstream packaging. This is
a minor release that should be safe to upgrade to, unless you are
relying on string-matching repr() output for certain error classes,
which have changed slightly.


This release primarily fixes development tooling, documentation, and packaging 
issues that have no impact on the library itself. A handful of small, runtime 
visible changes were added as polish.

* Milestone: %"v0.0.2" 
* #28: Added manual pages and web docs for qmp-shell[-wrap]
* #27: Support building Sphinx docs from SDist files
* #26: Add support to GitLab merge requests
* #25: qmp-shell-wrap now exits gracefully when qemu-system not found.
* #24: Minor packaging fixes.
* #10: qmp-tui exits gracefully when [tui] extras are not installed.
* #09: `__repr__` methods have been improved for all custom classes.
* #04: Mutating now also changes logging messages.




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