Dear all:

I found a bug of qemu: hot-pluging a vhost-net may cause virtual machine crash 
in following steps:
1. Starting a vm without any net device.
2. Hot-pluging 70 memory devices.
3. Hot-pluging a vhost-net device.

After the 3rd step, the qemu crashed with following messages:

vhost backend memory slots limit is less than current number of present memory 
warning: vhost-net requested but could not be initialized
qemu-system-x86_64: ../net/net.c:1106: net_client_init1: Assertion `nc' failed.
2022-12-05 03:14:08.794+0000: shutting down, reason=crashed

This commit is used to fix the mentioned problem. It is based on commit 
a33c25399f9bc3dcf83064adeba2a82e61bf4608 of master branch.

Kind regards.

Attachment: 0001-net-net.c-do-not-assert-nc-as-hotplug-vhost-net-may-.patch
Description: 0001-net-net.c-do-not-assert-nc-as-hotplug-vhost-net-may-.patch

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