On 01/10/2012 01:59 PM, Paolo Bonzini wrote:
On 01/10/2012 08:10 PM, Anthony Liguori wrote:
+ sec = cmos_read(0x00);
+ min = cmos_read(0x02);
+ hour = cmos_read(0x04);
+ mday = cmos_read(0x07);
+ mon = cmos_read(0x08);
+ year = cmos_read(0x09);

Please use identifiers for register numbers.

+ /*
+ * This check assumes a few things. First, we cannot guarantee that we get
+ * a consistent reading from the wall clock because we may hit an edge of
+ * the clock while reading. To work around this, we read four clock readings
+ * such that at least two of them should match. We need to assume that one
+ * reading is corrupt so we need four readings to ensure that we have at
+ * least two consecutive identical readings
+ *
+ * It's also possible that we'll cross an edge reading the host clock so
+ * simply check to make sure that the clock reading is within the period of
+ * when we expect it to be.
+ */

This seems broken to me.

It's not broken, although it may be ugly.

The right thing to do would be to run the test with
vm_clock for the rtc_clock, add a way for the qtest machine to bump the vm_clock
to the next event,

I actually was looking at this yesterday. Just bumping to the next event is not enough, you want to be able to control how time progresses. I was thinking of adding another qtest_clock and allowing the rtc to use the qtest_clock.

What's nice about that is that you can simulate long periods of time (2 years) in a short period of time and do long term drift testing.

I know the math in the rtc is broken right now because we assume that there's a rational conversion from RTC cycle frequency to nanoseconds which is not the case. We need a more sophisticated approach that can maintain an irrational conversion factor (in the form of a fractional multiplier).


Anthony Liguori

and busy loop running that method using UIP like you would do
on hardware.


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