This patch needs a detailed commit message, since it's not obvious why these changes are made at all. It'd also be helpful for reviewing.

General style comment for shell scripts: Always put curly braces around variables even if they are unnecessary. a $source_path could become $source_pathPREFIX in the future and instead of ${source_path} it would expand to ${source_pathPREFIX}.

On Tue, 08 Aug 2023 16:17, Yeqi Fu <> wrote:
+for target in $target_list; do
+  case $target in
+    *-softmmu)
+      test -f "$source_path/tests/tcg/$arch/Makefile.softmmu-target" || 
+      ;;
+  esac

+  if test -f cross-build/$target/config-target.mak; then

targets will never have spaces but I'd still double quote ${target} for consistency and style

+      mkdir -p "tests/tcg/$target"
+      ln -srf cross-build/$target/config-target.mak 
+      ln -sf $source_path/tests/tcg/ tests/tcg/$target/Makefile

This ln definitely needs double quoting.

      echo "run-tcg-tests-$target: $qemu\$(EXESUF)" >> Makefile.prereqs
      tcg_tests_targets="$tcg_tests_targets $target"

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