At 2023-08-10 22:19:45, "David Hildenbrand" <> wrote:
>>> Most importantly, we won't be corrupting/touching the original file in any
>>> case, because it is R/O.
>>> If we really want to be careful, we could clue that behavior to compat
>>> machines. I'm not really sure yet if we really have to go down that path.
>>> Any other alternatives? I'd like to avoid new flags where not really
>>> required.
>> I was just thinking of a new flag. :) So have you already discussed that
>> possibility and decided that not a good idea?
>Not really. I was briefly playing with that idea but already struggled 
>to come up with a reasonable name :)
>Less toggles and just have it working nice, if possible.
>> The root issue to me here is we actually have two resources (memory map of
>> the process, and the file) but we only have one way to describe the
>> permissions upon the two objects.  I'd think it makes a lot more sense if a
>> new flag is added, when there's a need to differentiate the two.
>> Consider if you see a bunch of qemu instances with:
>>    -mem-path $RAM_FILE
>> On the same host, which can be as weird as it could be to me.. At least
>> '-mem-path' looks still like a way to exclusively own a ram file for an
>> instance. I hesitate the new fallback can confuse people too, while that's
>> so far not the major use case.
>Once I learned that this is not a MAP_SHARED mapping, I was extremely 
>confused. For example, vhost-user with "-mem-path" will absolutely not 
>work with "-mem-path", even though the documentation explicitly spells 
>that out (I still have to send a patch to fix that).
>I guess "-mem-path" was primarily only used to consume hugetlb. Even for 
>tmpfs it will already result in a double memory consumption, just like 
>when using -memory-backend-memfd,share=no.
>I guess deprecating it was the right decision.
>But memory-backend-file also defaults to "share=no" ... so the same 
>default behavior unfortunately.
>> Nobody may really rely on any existing behavior of the failure, but
>> changing existing behavior is just always not wanted.  The guideline here
>> to me is: whether we want existing "-mem-path XXX" users to start using the
>> fallback in general?  If it's "no", then maybe it implies a new flag is
>> better?
>I think we have the following options (there might be more)
>1) This patch.
>2) New flag for memory-backend-file. We already have "readonly" and 
>"share=". I'm having a hard time coming up with a good name that really 
>describes the subtle difference.
>3) Glue behavior to the QEMU machine

4) '-deny-private-discard' argv, or environment variable, or both

I have proposed a 4) earlier in discussion which is to add a global qemu flag 
'-deny-private-discard' or '-disallow-private-discard' (let's find a better 
for some duration until private discard behavior phases out. We do
everything exactly the same as before without the flag, and with this flag,
private CoW mapping files are strictly opened readonly, discard on private
memory backend is brutally denied very early when possibility arises,
and private memory backed file are always opened readonly without
creating any file (so the file must exist, no more nasty edge cases).

This has the benefit that it can also help diagnose and debug all existing
private discard usages, which could be required in the long run. Therefore,
And with this flag we directly solves the immediate demand of
<readonly file+private map> while delays the hard problem indefinitely.
I think this solution seems most promising and acceptable by most ones.
At least for my use case, I would be glad to insert a such flag to my argv
if it is all I need, since it does not hurt the flexibility I care about.

Note that difference on this option probably should not cause difference
on the machine specification. Otherwise migration will fail because one
machine has this option and the other does not, which is absurd, since
it is a backend implementation flag.

>For 3), one option would be to always open a COW file readonly (as 
>Thiner originally proposed). We could leave "-mem-path" behavior alone 
>and only change memory-backend-file semantics. If the COW file does 
>*not* exist yet, we would refuse to create the file like patch 2+3 do. 
>Therefore, no ftruncate() errors, and fallocate() errors would always 
>What are your thoughts?

I would be happy if -mem-path stays supported since in this case I would
not need knowledge of memory backend before migration.




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