On 23 August 2015 at 01:09, Ken Moffat <zarniwh...@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> Is this the right place to ask about what seems to be a fairly
> catastrophic bug (host machine running recent x86_64 linux and
> 4.2-rc kernels locks up with 2.4.0 when qemu is running but
> seems fine with 2.3.0) or do I need to subscribe to a different
> list ?

You'll probably do better to report it on qemu-devel
(that is a high-volume list; I don't think you need to be
subscribed to send it email). Or you could file a bug report at
https://bugs.launchpad.net/qemu -- though that only gets
attention because bug mail is forwarded to qemu-devel, so
it's another way of mailing the list, in effect.

Locking up the host kernel is technically speaking a KVM
bug (or some other kernel bug) rather than a QEMU bug,
but the people who care will be on qemu-devel.

-- PMM

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