On 13 May 2016 at 17:24, Jerome Ibanes <jiba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm running qemu-arm version 2.1.2 (Debian 1:2.1+dfsg-12+deb8u6); and
> trying to start the Wolfram Engine (retrieved from raspbian); and get
> the following:

2.1.2 is now a pretty old release, so the first thing to do is
try a newer QEMU, like 2.6 which we just released. That
may still have the bug, but we have fixed at least some
of the problems that could result in this kind of crash.
(We still don't really reliably run guest binaries that
use multiple threads though, which is what I suspect
your program here is doing. I'm hopeful we can improve
on that for the 2.7 release, though.)

-- PMM

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