El 25/9/19 a les 10:44, Alyssa Ross ha escrit:
> Jakob Bohm <jb-gnumli...@wisemo.com> writes:
>> Unfortunately, the rushed implementation of the SPF+DKIM+DMARC
>> combination meant that handling of mailing lists wasn't properly
>> integrated in the specifications.  Which in turn resulted in some
>> pretty horrible implementation ideas by both the DMARC group (having
>> each mail list server set up complex e-mail aliases for each
>> participant) and MailMan (suggesting that mailing lists kick out any
>> participants on a DMARC-compatible mail server).
> Note that ARC[1] is coming, which will allow mailing lists to provide
> authentication while doing the conventional modifications.
> Also, Mailman doesn't suggest kicking out participants on
> DMARC-compatible servers. It provides a range of options[2] for how to
> handle mail from posters who have DMARC set to "reject" or "quarantine"
> only.
> [1]: http://arc-spec.org/
> [2]: 
> https://mailman.readthedocs.io/en/latest/src/mailman/handlers/docs/dmarc-mitigations.html


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