I tried to add -d in_asm,out_asm,guest_errors it gives out as follows:

PROLOGUE: [size=45]
0x7ffff0849000:  55                       pushq    %rbp
0x7ffff0849001:  53                       pushq    %rbx
0x7ffff0849002:  41 54                    pushq    %r12
0x7ffff0849004:  41 55                    pushq    %r13
0x7ffff0849006:  41 56                    pushq    %r14
0x7ffff0849008:  41 57                    pushq    %r15
0x7ffff084900a:  48 8b ef                 movq     %rdi, %rbp
0x7ffff084900d:  48 81 c4 78 fb ff ff     addq     $-0x488, %rsp
0x7ffff0849014:  ff e6                    jmpq     *%rsi
0x7ffff0849016:  33 c0                    xorl     %eax, %eax
0x7ffff0849018:  48 81 c4 88 04 00 00     addq     $0x488, %rsp
0x7ffff084901f:  c5 f8 77                 vzeroupper
0x7ffff0849022:  41 5f                    popq     %r15
0x7ffff0849024:  41 5e                    popq     %r14
0x7ffff0849026:  41 5d                    popq     %r13
0x7ffff0849028:  41 5c                    popq     %r12
0x7ffff084902a:  5b                       popq     %rbx
0x7ffff084902b:  5d                       popq     %rbp
0x7ffff084902c:  c3                       retq

[New Thread 0x7fffeffff700 (LWP 44283)]
0x00000000:  00000000  andeq    r0, r0, r0

OUT: [size=64]
0x7ffff0849100:  8b 5d f0                 movl     -0x10(%rbp), %ebx
0x7ffff0849103:  85 db                    testl    %ebx, %ebx
0x7ffff0849105:  0f 8c 1f 00 00 00        jl       0x7ffff084912a
0x7ffff084910b:  c7 45 3c 00 00 00 00     movl     $0, 0x3c(%rbp)
0x7ffff0849112:  48 8b fd                 movq     %rbp, %rdi
0x7ffff0849115:  be 12 00 00 00           movl     $0x12, %esi
0x7ffff084911a:  ba 00 00 00 02           movl     $0x2000000, %edx
0x7ffff084911f:  b9 01 00 00 00           movl     $1, %ecx
0x7ffff0849124:  ff 15 0e 00 00 00        callq    *0xe(%rip)
0x7ffff084912a:  48 8d 05 12 ff ff ff     leaq     -0xee(%rip), %rax
0x7ffff0849131:  e9 e2 fe ff ff           jmp      0x7ffff0849018
0x7ffff0849136:  90                       nop
0x7ffff0849137:  90                       nop
0x7ffff0849138:  .quad  0x0000555555a70e01

0x00000000:  00000000  andeq    r0, r0, r0

OUT: [size=64]
0x7ffff0849240:  8b 5d f0                 movl     -0x10(%rbp), %ebx
0x7ffff0849243:  85 db                    testl    %ebx, %ebx
0x7ffff0849245:  0f 8c 1f 00 00 00        jl       0x7ffff084926a
0x7ffff084924b:  c7 45 3c 00 00 00 00     movl     $0, 0x3c(%rbp)
0x7ffff0849252:  48 8b fd                 movq     %rbp, %rdi
0x7ffff0849255:  be 12 00 00 00           movl     $0x12, %esi
0x7ffff084925a:  ba 00 00 00 02           movl     $0x2000000, %edx
0x7ffff084925f:  b9 01 00 00 00           movl     $1, %ecx
0x7ffff0849264:  ff 15 0e 00 00 00        callq    *0xe(%rip)
0x7ffff084926a:  48 8d 05 12 ff ff ff     leaq     -0xee(%rip), %rax
0x7ffff0849271:  e9 a2 fd ff ff           jmp      0x7ffff0849018
0x7ffff0849276:  90                       nop
0x7ffff0849277:  90                       nop
0x7ffff0849278:  .quad  0x0000555555a70e01

qemu: fatal: Lockup: can't escalate 3 to HardFault (current priority -1)

R00=00000000 R01=00000000 R02=00000000 R03=00000000
R04=00000000 R05=00000000 R06=00000000 R07=00000000
R08=00000000 R09=00000000 R10=00000000 R11=00000000
R12=00000000 R13=ffffffe0 R14=fffffff9 R15=00000000
XPSR=40000003 -Z-- A handler
FPSCR: 00000000

Thread 3 "qemu-system-arm" received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
[Switching to Thread 0x7fffeffff700 (LWP 44283)]
0x00007ffff5f31438 in __GI_raise (sig=sig@entry=6) at
54 ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c: No such file or directory.
(gdb) n
[Thread 0x7fffeffff700 (LWP 44283) exited]
[Thread 0x7ffff3049700 (LWP 44282) exited]

Program terminated with signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
The program no longer exists.

it aborts in the next step only. How can I proceed?

Thank you,

On Fri, Sep 17, 2021 at 11:11 AM Peter Maydell <peter.mayd...@linaro.org>

> On Thu, 16 Sept 2021 at 20:13, abhijeet inamdar
> <abhijeetinamdar3...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Is there any way/s to check where actually is it failing or point which
> file?
> Use the usual debugging facilities -- gdbstub or -d debug logging.
> -- PMM

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