On Tue, 18 Jan 2022 at 18:13, Schultschik, Sven
<sven.schultsc...@siemens.com> wrote:
> I try to add an eMMC to a qemu aarch64 virt machine. This for I try to use 
> the type if=sd but it fails and I don’t find any hint, how to do it properly.

This is because the virt board doesn't have an SD controller.

> So I search now a while how I could add a sd-card, mmc, emmc drive to a virt 
> machine type.#
> Or is there another way to add such a drive? I need it for the secure boot 
> optee RPMB setup.

You could try plugging in the PCI SD controller with '-device pc-sdhci'
and then plugging the emulated SD card into that. But if you can
I would really recommend not trying to use SD card. Use some other
kind of block device -- surely OPTEE has support for other kinds
of disk ?

-- PMM

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