Le ven. 26 mai 2023 à 03:01, skylarmylar via <qemu-discuss@nongnu.org> a
écrit :

> Hi! I am looking for instruction about using command line QEMU-KVM to
> create VMs for testing Yubikey authentication of system initialization
> stages, logins, and processes. If anyone can tell me where to find the
> information I need to accomplish this, please let me know. I am exploring
> the question in a forum here:
> https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fido-and-fedora-yubikey-c-bio/82462/31
> Thanks!
> There is something more I need to do to make this command work. Do you
> know what is needed?
> *sudo qemu-kvm -m 1024 -hda fedora.qcow -cdrom Fedora.iso -usb -device
> u2f-passthru -boot d*

find bus/port (or vid/pid) of your usb yubikey device with lsub (for
example) and exec qemu with `-device usb-host,hostbus=X,hostport=Y`
(or `-device

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