On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 1:27 AM, Volker Wichmann <wichm...@laserdata.at>wrote:

> Hi Gianluca,
> My idea is to write a python code that will generate GUI
> dialogs completely on the fly without any hard coded parameter flags or
> .py files (SAGA has about 500 modules!). That is, you have a path where
> your SAGA modules (.so/.dll) reside and then your QGIS GUI will use the
> saga_api to generate the dialogs for the available modules on the fly.
> As far as I see, all you need is the following information:
> * module library name
> * module name
> * module (saga_cmd) parameter names
> * module parameter types
That seems the best approach to me as well. I've attached a script which
creates a saga_cmd call for most modules, which I once used to check if
there are any obvious errors/memory leaks. As mentioned before, this script
is the first thing I wrote in python, so sorry for any strange unnecessary
constructions and/or errors, but it should give you an idea how to browse
through the module libraries, modules and their parameters.

> All you would need is a generic python module which would generate the
> dialogs for QGIS using the saga_api on the fly and another python module
> which would use the information entered in these QGIS dialogs to call
> saga_cmd. But maybe I'm getting this wrong.

Prior to jumping towards dialogs, perhaps it is useful to think about how
you want to integrate saga and qgis:
* how are module libraries and modules presented? In a menu or some type of
module library?
* which qt interface would you like to use to present the different type of
parameters that saga has. This is really an important decision. I personally
think that the way saga relies heavily on wxpropgrid to generate its
interfaces is really nice. Someone who knows qt well may give some advice
here what the best approach would be. If some kind of property grid is
already used in qgis, I would certainly look to that. I really think this is
one of the most important decisions - some modules have a lot of different
parameters (eg [2]) and presenting them in an orderly way is quite a
* which types of modules would you like to provide first? Shape or grid
based modules?
* how do you handle file conversions? Eg a geotiff is open in qgis. Prior to
running this module, it will have to be converted to a .sgrd file (can be
done with gdal)?

In fact, if I would be starting this project, I would use this approach:
1. Create some type of menu/module library to show the saga modules
2. If these are opened show a very basic window showing a generated command
line and a html box with the documentation of the module (eg [2]). At that
point, you actually have nothing more than a nice way to browse through the
saga modules from qgis, without any integration. But it offers a starting
3. If a good approach is found to generate the kind of property grid, you
could switch to having a text box per parameter type. In a next step, some
options may be converted to better suited interfaces, eg showing a list of
grids present in qgis. At this point, I think development can be done by
different people: someone is working on an interface for shapefiles, someone
else on file conversion issues/... At this point, knowledge of the saga api
is less important, and most work is done in python/qt.

import sys, os, fnmatch, saga_api
print '# SAGA API version: '+saga_api.SAGA_API_Get_Version()
print ''

modulepath= '/usr/lib/saga/'
libraries = os.listdir(modulepath)
mlb     = saga_api.CSG_Module_Library()

def printparameter(p):
    print '#    ' +str( p.is_Input())+str(p.is_Output())+str(p.Get_Type())+' '+p.Get_Identifier()+p.Get_Name()
    print '#     '+p.Get_Description()
    for i in range(p.Get_Children_Count()):
def parseparams(p, libnr):
    if not p.is_Optional():
        if p.Get_Type()==saga_api.PARAMETER_TYPE_Int:
        if p.Get_Type()==saga_api.PARAMETER_TYPE_Double:
        if p.Get_Type()==saga_api.PARAMETER_TYPE_Grid and p.is_Input():
        if p.Get_Type()==saga_api.PARAMETER_TYPE_Grid_List and p.is_Input():
        if p.Get_Type()==saga_api.PARAMETER_TYPE_Grid and p.is_Output():
        if p.Get_Type()==saga_api.PARAMETER_TYPE_Shapes and p.is_Input():
    return s

for fmlb in libraries:
    if fnmatch.fnmatch(fmlb, '*.so'):
        print '## Module library: ' + fmlb
        for i in range(mlb.Get_Count()):
            m       = mlb.Get_Module(i)
            print  ' # Module:'+ m.Get_Name()
            #print m.Get_Description()
            p       = m.Get_Parameters()
            parsedpars=' '
            for j in range(p.Get_Count()):
                par = p.Get_Parameter(j)
                parsedpars= parsedpars+ ' '+ parseparams(par, j)
        #        printparameter(par)
        #    print 'valgrind saga_cmd '+fmlb+' '+str(i)+parsedpars
            print '   saga_cmd -f=s '+fmlb+' '+str(i)+parsedpars
        print '###################'
        print ''
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