On Tue, 22 Feb 2011 20:35:00 +0100
Barend Gehrels <bar...@xs4all.nl> wrote:

> I've a question about compiling qgis (using Windows, MSVC 2008). I've 
> followed the instructions on the wiki page but still get some errors:
Try this instructions
in English, bit outdated http://www.florianhillen.de/qgis-tutorial-en.html
in Russian, less outdated http://gis-lab.info/qa/qgis-compile-vce.html

> 2) No module named py_compile (see complete listing below). It is on my 
> disk c:\OSGeo4W\apps\Python25\Lib\py_compile.py  but cannot be found 
> somehow.
Seems that PYTHONHOME environment variable is not set or invalid.
It should be pointed to the c:\OSGeo4W\apps\Python25 dir
> 3) Cannot open include file: 'qnetworkconfiguration.h': indeed not in my 
> Qt 4.6.2 distribution. But it is in Qt 4.7.1, will upgrade. Only used by 
> sip.
It is better to use Qt libs from OSGeo4W, you can find them in qt4-devel
and qt4-libs packages.

> 4) cannot open file 'python25_d.lib', it is indeed not on my disk in 
> c:\OSGeo4W. Also in listing below. Probably I've to build in release 
> mode but my intent was to be able to debug things
Not sure, but again seems this is because PYTHONHOME is not set
> All this is (AFAIK) related to Python, SIP. Can I skip this somehow? Or 
> what else am I doing wrong or would be a solution? Does sip need another 
> Qt than qgis needs?
I recommend to use all dependencies from OSGeo4W. Also look at file
ms-windows\osgeo4w\package.cmd in QGIS sources. This file used for
building qgis-dev package.

Alexander Bruy
Qgis-developer mailing list

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