I'm holding on completing the workaround (I did a few in r15376) for now 
because there are so many color pickers, but if it comes to release time, I'll 
do it.  I added some details on what works and what doesn't.  The native color 
picker *can* work.  The workaround is my C++/Qt limit.

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

First Pogril: Why is life like sticking your head in a bucket filled with hyena 
Second Pogril: I don't know.  Why IS life like sticking your head in a bucket 
filled with hyena offal?
First Pogril: I don't know either.  Wretched, isn't it?

-HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy

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