Hi all.
Can we remove the obsolete 900913 code, and replace it with 3857, both in core 
and in
the plugins?
See below for details.
All the best, and thanks to Luca Casagrande and Markus Neteler for pointing 
this out.
"SphericalMercator and EPSG aliases

The SphericalMercator projection in OpenLayers uses code epsg:900913. When
Google started to use the SphericalMercator projection, a corresponding EPSG
code did not yet exist, so a temporary code '900913' (notice the resemblance
to the word 'google') was invented. Many other services, such as OpenStreetMap,
Bing and Yahoo are now also using the same projection, but are not necessarily
supporting the use of code EPSG:900913. Other codes, such as EPSG:3857 and
EPSG:102113 were invented. Today, there is an officially registered EPSG code
3857 whose projection is identical to EPSG:900913.
Paolo Cavallini - Faunalia
Full contact details at www.faunalia.eu/pc
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