2012/1/25 Nathan Woodrow <madman...@gmail.com>:

> For validation yes I think it is useful, but I agree that it should be a
> once off.  Currently if a user is set as trusted then they can upload more
> with auto approve switched on. I'm not sure how many people doing the
> approving knew this.  I'm going to start going though and adding users as
> trusted as I see it is needed

Yes, this is exactly how it should work: once a new plugin author is
known not to be an evil bad guy he gets flagged as "trusted" (every
staff member can flag another user as trusted from the front-end).

Being a "trusted" user means to have "plugins.can_approve" permissions
(i.e. having all versions automatically approved on upload).

All this things have been discussed and agreed on this list (a few
months ago) and are documented here:


What we really need now is somebody to help with documenting this
stuff in a more user-friendly way and improve/maintain the HTML pages
on plugins.qgis.org , also text of the warning or error messages can
be improved, a mothertongue english speaker could lend a hand on this

Alessandro Pasotti
w3:   www.itopen.it
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