Il 27/03/2012 00:45, Martin Dobias ha scritto:

I am not sure whether to keep the processing framework ideas given the
recent news about sextante port to QGIS being in works... anyone has
an opinion on that?

Hi Martin.
I think it is really important and urgent to analyze the issue, an take a 
Could anybody inspect the code, and help us taking an informed decision?
Of course, having com-mentored Camilo's work, I'm a bit partial in keeping on the good work on the Processing Framework, but sextante seems a more mature solution. On the other hand, analytical tools receive typically less attention (i.e. funding) than other tools of more general use, so it may be dangerous to try and keep both approaches, as we can run short of manpower.
Camilo, would you be interested in applying for sextante, bringing your 
experience in?
Victor, could you add quickly your proposal for sextante?
Thanks to all.
Paolo Cavallini - Faunalia
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