
Tried to load your rasterfile in 1.8 and current master and nodata is
correctly identified as -99999 in both ..

But with one thing you are right .. It seems to get loaded differently ..
while in 1.8 I get the min-max values right after loading i have to go
into properties with master to change the classification ..

But if you mean that I assume that is due to heavy changes in the way
rasters are handled by qgis in master..
(Beside the fact that the GUI for that has changed a lot)
As it is master and not any released version I think there will still
be some changes and there might be probably errors right now ..
So if you think you really found a bug .. just report it as a bug and
we'll see how the developers handle it ..

kind regards

On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 7:32 AM, skampus
<stefano.cam...@regione.piemonte.it> wrote:
> i'm trying to find the difference between raster management in qgis ver. 1.8
> and 1.9. but there are some features that i don't understand.
> as it has already been stated in other threads, qgis has some problems
> (error ?) in treating the value "no data" in raster.
> it makes some confusion in applying transparency to no data, and so the only
> way I found to get around this problem is to reclassify the raster
> immediately after a raster has been created (for example through the
> application of raster operations).
> Using the Sextante-saga reclassification module and immediately i convert no
> data to -99999 value and this valued is suited for transparency.
> Needless to say how much this is annoying but now it seems that between
> version 1.8 and version 1.9 there is no continuity.
> I'll explain: Having dealt with a raster in version 1.8 as mentioned above,
> I would expect to (not) see no data in the version 1.9.
> instead it seems that the classification made with Ver. 18 is not
> recognized by ver. 1.9 and so it begins again.
> is it so, or I'm missing something?
> s.
> ps: please open attached raster with 1.8 and 1.9
> 1.8: colormap, three classes
> 1.9: singleband pseudocolor, three classes
> please see, how "no data" in 1.9 don't disappear
> http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/file/n4993536/OK_iso_2_50anos.tif
> OK_iso_2_50anos.tif
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/raster-in-qgis-1-8-and-1-9-tp4993536.html
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