Am 06.02.2013 16:44, schrieb Sławomir Bienias:
I have a problem with nightly version of QGIS... After update there are no
EPSG coordinate systems, but only IGNF.
When I downgraded QGIS to version 1.8 - then everything was ok - there were
EPSG CS.. So I thought, that problem were solved and I installed version
1.9... And EPSG changed with IGNF...

Does anyone have same problem? I don't know is it some bug or is it problem
with my computer?

I have not checked for that, but you can exchange the srs.db with all CRS information between the QGIS versions without having to de-install the whole version.
On Windows it is in apps/qgis/resources, might be similar on linux.

André Joost

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