Hi Radim,

I just finished the work thanks to Jef's debugging ability!

Here is the pull request

The identify method now returns directly the IdentifyResults instead of using a private attribute. Also, IdentifyResult is now a single struct (no RasterResult and VectorResult)

Everything compiles fine and I tested it.
However, could you check that everything is ok regarding to the rasterChanged?

Also, could you take care of accepting the pull request?



On 02/07/2013 11:24 AM, Radim Blazek wrote:
sorry, I do not use IRC usually.

I would like to return to work in identify tool areas next week:
   - copy feature from context menu
   - better tree hierarchy for rasters
   - propagate errors to user - probably just error messages as texts in tree
   - instead of all that signals on format change just listen in action
and then call QgsMapToolIdentify and dialog functions

Please let me know when you finish your work in identify tool so that
we avoid conflicts.


On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 10:04 AM, Denis Rouzaud <denis.rouz...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Radim,

I have already merged the changes to return directly the results.

I am currently making a single struct for the results. I have a problem with
python files, an error in compilation I am trying to solve for some time now
without any success...
Would you have some time to give me hand?

Are you on IRC?



On 02/06/2013 05:07 PM, Radim Blazek wrote:
Also, your changes to the raster result structure made me think that we
could use a single struct for both vector and raster result.
It might be easier to look into the results.
Any opinion on this? Nathan?
I believe, that It would be better to pass results to the dialog in
the original hierarchical structure instead of splitting them to
individual results and then reconstruct the tree searching for the
layer it should go into. For rasters the logical structure may vary
form one level for raster values (I would prefer to put band values
directly into layer item instead of adding additional level "feature")
to four levels for WMS with layer-sublayer-featuretype-feature.

Maybe some parts of QgsMapToolIdentify::identifyVectorLayer and
QgsMapToolIdentify::identifyRasterLayer, those related to creation the
tree in dialog should better be moved to QgsIdentifyResultsDialog?
I'll possibly add QgsRasterIdentifyResult and the dialog could work
directly with that or to use current QList<QVariant> returned from
raster identify().

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