>From the logos so far I would vote for #64 or #50, I guess #50 Works better 
>for me it looks a Little better looking the spacing of the letters, but that 
>can be refined in #64, also I like a bit more the tone for #50 plus I like the 
>idea #55 of T-shirt for the Project

Would you consider eliminating  the worst looking ones my vote for worst are 
#134 #121 #105 #82 #81 #79 #67 #68 #74 #66 #40 #41 #34 #35 #37 #38 #13 #6 #5 I 
would like to see #64 with a globe within the "Q" very light colors, just to 
see it that could work #91 for some reason it quite doesn't looks so good the 
marker withing the Q, looks a Little bit off for me Just my thoughts
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