On Mit 01 Mai 2013 09:57:15 CEST, Marco Bernasocchi wrote:
>>> Hmmm. I had never heard of Wassermann's hand, so that's just a
>>> coincidence.
>>> The hands represent dev's and user's hands, all working on the project
>>> together, but from different parts of the world and from different
>>> disciplines, which are represented by three elemental colors: brown
>>> (geology, landscaping, city planning, etc.), green (biology, forestry,
>>> etc.), blue (hydrology, oceanography, etc.).
>> OK, I just want to let you know that the first impression for somebody
>> who has not invented the logo may be different.
> +1 and, again, way to drawing-like. as well I don't like the flat pale
> gray and the strange tail of the Q
> #50 is still my fav.

I like that one as well for it's style, but I'm afraid I'll hear people 
say "Have you seen, O-GIS 2.0 has some really nice new features!"

> ciao

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