I've just upgraded to Linux Mint 15 and had some trouble installing
QGIS. I followed the instructions on the shiny new web pages for
Raring Ringtail.

The instructions seem to imply adding both qgis.org and the ubuntugis
PPA to sources.

The qgis.org repo seems to have 2.0.1-2, and ubuntugis had 2.0.1-1 - I
got into a weird state where the conflicts list of python-qgis
included python-qgis.... Removing the qgis repo from sources and
chanting various apt spells eventually got me a clean qgis from
ubuntugis-unstable with version 2.0.1-1~raring and python support

I thought ubuntugis-unstable would be more recent (and hence less
stable) than qgis.org, so why does it have a lower version number?
What was causing the odd conflict? What did I do wrong?

The install instructions aren't very beginner friendly for Linux.

But it does look lovely.... Now time to play with the toolbox.... And
maybe start porting my plugins!

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