Thanks for the explanation Martin! I hope here is a way to have consistency again without necessarily breaking working code.

@Victor: A few comments in the example scripts explaining the issue would already help a lot I think.

Best wishes,

Am 19.10.2013, 19:54 Uhr, schrieb Victor Olaya <>:

I wasn't aware of that difference that Martin mentions. I guess that,
from the Processing side, the only thing to do is to document clearly
which find of enumeration value is expected, and also how to convert
it in case you have a value corresponding to the other enumeration. I
will try to add that to the Processing documentation

thanks for finding this issue

2013/10/19 Martin Dobias <>:
Hi Anita

looking into the code... the unintuitive part is that these
geometryType() methods return values from different enumerations:
- provider's geometryType() returns value from WKBType enumeration
- layer's geometryType() returns value from GeometryType enumeration
(translated from provider's geometryType())

GeometryType has just coarse differentiation (Point, Line, Polygon,
UnknownGeometry, NoGeometry), while WKBType is more fine grained
(WKBPoint, WKBPoint2D, WKBMultiPoint, ...)

I totally agree that it is confusing... they should be at least called
differently (e.g. geometryWkbType vs geometryType).


On Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 9:46 PM, Anita Graser <> wrote:
Hi Victor,

I've been porting one of my scripts to the new Processing. Everything seems
fine but I'm confused about one issue:
It seems like almost everything can be accessed via the layer now, e.g.
crs(), pendingFields(), etc. However, if I try to use layer.geometryType()
in the VectorWriter constructor, I get an error. It only works if I do:

writer = VectorWriter(output, None, fields, provider.geometryType(), )

What's the reason for this unintuitive behavior?

Thanks and best wishes,
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