Dear all (again)

Also I've trying to speed up diagram creation. I have a bunch of layers with the same fields (rigth now it's difficult to have a single layer and filter it) where I want to display diagrams.

I have to set each individual color in each layer. Maybe it would be nice to have a way of saving the diagram style, so it is loadable like layer style, but now i'm just thinking about have a set of colors easily accesible, like color picker *custom colors*

The problem is that AFAIK I can't remove colors from inside *custom colors* nor define a new "palette", so my current custom color palette is useless.

Is there a method to accomplish this? Where does QGIS store palettes (to try to remove/create manually)?

Thanks in advance

Jorge Tornero
Instituto Español de Oceanografía
Centro Oceanográfico de Cádiz
Cádiz, Spain

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