Am 17.01.2014 03:01, schrieb Luiz Motta:
Hi all,

I had differences for transform the reference system of geometries between

I made the transform using GDAL into geometry with reference system  SAD 69
UTM (EPSG 29191) to WGS 84 (EPSG 4326) .

When i add in QGIS the geometries with WGS84 and SAD 69  using 'on the fly'
(WGS84), has diferences positions of coordinate (see picture).

The QGIS reads the reference system of shapefile different than GDAL (see
layer property).

I would like understand how using GDAL for transform geometries this
reference system of this shapefile ?

How can difference reading shapefile by QGIS and GDAL ?

The shapefiles .prj file has no +towgs84 parameters, so GDAL sets them to zero.

QGIS assigns the EPSG:29191 to the file, which has +towgs84 parameters.

André Joost
Qgis-developer mailing list

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