The web resources are always in flux to some extent, with 2.0 the data
has actually been shifting from the wiki into the main docs and other
appropriate places. As Robert points out, more volunteers are always
welcome to help clean things up. I think in the move to the new site
things got easier for new users but stuff for devs and people compiling
got a little lost for those who don't already know where to look.

An install.txt in the root of a source tree is actually standard
practice in the industry. The download page hints (but agreed should
link) if you click on Sources :
"Refer to the INSTALL guide on how to compile QGIS from source for the
different platforms."

If you're on Ubuntu or Debian the easiest way to get a build going is to do:
sudo apt-get build-dep qgis
This automatically pulls in all the required libraries for compiling.

As for FGDB, that is absolutely possible on linux but not simple one
click install. This thread has good info

Thanks for reaching out with questions, don't hesitate when you get
stuck. We also have an IRC channel if you want to try to get more
immediate help especially when dealing with compiling.
Note: there's also a #gdal channel for more help on FGDB


On 02/22/2014 07:12 PM, Robert Szczepanek wrote:
> Hi Bernd,
>> (...) Finding all these infos (and sometimes not very congruentt ones) in
>> different blogs and forums is ridiculously time-consuming. (...)
> Several people invested time [1] to create QGIS.
> You are welcome to be part of the project and improve build description.
> After that read your e-mail once again...
> Robert Szczepanek
> [1]
> W dniu 22.02.2014 21:32, Bernd Vogelgesang napisał(a):
>> HI,
>> In my struggle to manage to build QGIS from source, I finally found
>> the  INSTALL-file on github. (No link to this from the website! At
>> least I  couldn't find anything)
>> I just want to remark, that under
>> Optional dependencies:
>> ...
>> - for georeferencer - GSL >= 1.8
>> the version number can't be correct, cause there is no such high
>> version  available.
>> This might be no big problem for most people, but for a noob like me,
>> this  is causing hysteria and increasing blood pressure.
>> I think it came into existence from an old version i found here
>> where it sais:
>> - for georeferencer - GSL >= ? (works with 1.8)
>> In general, I would also like to remark, that it would be very nice to
>>  have kind of a wiki for build instructions for the different
>> platforms and  versions and the different related resources like GDAL,
>> spatialite etc. as  well, cause I have to build GDAL myself for MrSID
>> and FGDB-support (and  without that, QGIS on Linux is quite useless
>> for me, at least not for  productive work).
>> Finding all these infos (and sometimes not very congruentt ones) in
>> different blogs and forums is ridiculously time-consuming. And when I
>> already invest so much time in fiddling out this, I would like to have
>> the  other parts state of the art as well, but there is unfortunately
>> no common  place for instructions on the related items.
>> Cheers
>> Bernd
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