On 03/04/2014, at 21:59 , Geo DrinX wrote:

> Hello All,
> ( Sorry for my english, but I try to explain my need as better as I know ).
> I need to create  textual notes on many polygons, with QGis, and I would like 
> to automate more than possible the process.
> For the moment, I created an "Action", defined as following:
> echo [%'\n\nPolygon  (mq) :\n' ||'Area: ' || toint( round ( $area)) || '\n' 
> || 'Perimeter: ' || toint( round ($perimeter)) %]
> In this way,  clicking on each polygon I have the text I need.   :)
> But,  for the moment, it is necessary to copy the text and paste it inside 
> the  Textual Note.
> It could be possible to... create the action in a way that creates directly 
> the  Textual Note with the text inside ?
> Could somebody give me suggestions about this ?
> Thank you in advance
> Roberto

Hi Roberto,

I'm assuming Textual Note is an Attribute Value.

Do you need the value to happen as you draw the polygon? 
        If you do, I don't know and you'll need to wait for someone else.

If you want to write the $perimeter and $area into the attribute table after 
making your polygons, than I'd use the field calculator. The icon looks like a 
really small abacus. You can see it on the main icons, but also in the 
attribute table. You can use this to update all (or just the selected polygons) 
to show the right information.

This is a better explanation than I could do:
(not just in English, e.g. :

If I've got it all wrong, please do try and make me understand.


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