Looks up to date now. What I'm really wondering, is if upgrading Phusion
would help with the weird out of control memory usage. I've been kicking
manually every day, for some reason the cron job doesn't work anymore,
though the weigh-passengers script does.

It looks like a newer version is available and their is also an option
to run a standalone, reverse proxied behind another server.

I'll suggest we give upgrading a shot from the phusion repos. That
should just work and is much simpler than a redmine upgrade.

Anyone want to help?


On 04/01/2014 02:07 AM, Werner Macho wrote:
> hmmm
> I've seen we've 41 security updates on that server pending
> and 11 package updates including apache2
> among security updates there are mysql and postgis..
> I don't know if it safe to just upgrade them (as I don't know if one
> of the installed software requires a specific version)
> But probably updating could help?
> I am not sure
> regards
> Werner
> On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Alex Mandel <tech_...@wildintellect.com> 
> wrote:
>> It's a combination of disk filling and a ruby memory leak/stuck process.
>> Concerning the disk, cleanup began last week of various things including
>> moving the plugins site. Not sure why it filled up again so fast.
>> Concerning the ruby issue. There is a cron job that is supposed to be
>> killing out of control processes but it doesn't seem to work anymore.
>> I don't know who wrote it:
>> /usr/local/sbin/weigh-passengers
>> But we can probably make it more aggressive, or someone can make sure
>> it's actually running like its supposed to. The cron job does not appear
>> to be running every 5 minutes like used to.
>> Richard is working on longer term balancing.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
>> On 04/01/2014 01:37 AM, Andreas Neumann wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am trying to report a bug, but http://hub.qgis.org/ does not work.
>>> I get:
>>> --------------------
>>> Application error
>>> Rails application failed to start properly
>>> --------------------
>>> Already last week at the hackfest I had troubles with hub.qgis.org -
>>> sometimes it worked, sometimes it fails. Can we do something so that
>>> this becomes more reliable?
>>> Thanks a lot,
>>> Andreas

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