
On Sat, Jan 17, 2015 at 11:19 AM, Richard Duivenvoorde
<rdmaili...@duif.net> wrote:
> - no descision on 3.0 version taken yet
> - I think(!) that slight api changes for composer-code is allowed as
> somebody mentioned that that api is not so much used by plugins...

As mentioned yesterday, I would rather not see "soft api breaks"
between minor releases because I think it's confusing and messy when
there could be clear rules that no api breaks are allowed between
minor releases. It's a question of how safe devs and users feel to
invest into developing tools for QGIS.

> if you ask me personally I would not make 2.10 a 3.0 version as to me it
> looks better to have another 2.x version after a LTR as backporting
> fixes will be much harder when we start breaking api immediately   after
> a LTR.

I agree and think that 2.12 could become 3.0 since there seems to be
some level of agreement that the February release should be the LTR
and conservative users might prefer a 3.2 LTR.

I assume this should be discussed and decided on 26th.

Best wishes,
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