Hi Martin,

Thank you for seeing my blog! 

> I am sure there are plenty of users hoping to see this functionality in QGIS 
> sooner or later :-) It will be great to be able to start processing 
> algorithms and keep working with QGIS, not having to wait until the algorithm 
> finishes.
Yes, I believe this is a good improvement on the QGIS Toolbox :)

> Looking forward to read about your progress - don't forget to keep us updated 
> about the joys and struggles with your project. If you have any questions, do 
> not hesitate to ask on this mailing list. Lots of QGIS wizards keep an eye on 
> this list and may help you.
I will be posting the news on my blog and ask here if I have doubts on the 
Processing (guess I don’t need to look outside the Processing).

I slotted some time to better analyze the Processing code, algorithms behavior 
and see the documentation before the QGIS Meeting.
I’m hopping to get some work done on the QGIS Developer meeting.

> By the way, the code snippet on your blog looks like a good start :)
Thank you! I was doing some examples to see if it’s worth to subclass the 
QObject instead of QThread. 
Seems to be a good approach to deal with thread management.

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