
Thanks Nathan!

On 8/05/2015, at 10:34 am, Nathan Woodrow <> wrote:

> Hey Andrew,
> This is how I did it with Roam to get all the legend items for the layer:
> items = layer.rendererV2().legendSymbologyItems(ICON_SIZE)
> That will give you a list of:Text - Icon pairs
> if you are using the rule base renderer you get can the symbol for the rule 
> and paint that into a pixmap, however note that one feature can have many 
> symbols so you will have to use the method that returns a list for all the 
> symbols.
> Depending on what you are doing  legendSymbologyItems might give you what you 
> need without extra work.
> - Nathan
> On Fri, 8 May 2015 at 07:00 Andrew McClure <> wrote:
> Any takers for this one? I'd like to render the active symbol for a layer as 
> a QPixmap in a dialog.
> I have got this far:
>        s =  layer().rendererV2()
>        key = s.rootRule().findRuleByKey(s.rootRule().ruleKey())
> This tells me the active rule key to be rendered but how to get the image 
> data?
> Perhaps I am barking up the wrong tree here?
> Thanks
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