As we're 2 days from the release of 2.8.2 I wanted to take a look
at the still open bugs candidated for backporting in the stable release.

I did this by querying all open tickets with Target Version = 2.8.2,
finding 32 of them, with many marked as blockers (should "blocker" be
used to block a release?).

Once 2.8.2 is out, should all those tickets be retargetted to 2.8.3 ?
This didn't happen when 2.8.1 was released as there are still 19 open
issues with TargetVersion=2.8.2 (including blockrs and crashers).

Jurgen was suggesting on IRC that pushing tickets forward on release
could be a waste of time and suggested only assigning a fixed target
version once the fix lands into the corresponding branch, using looser
targets for still-to-be-closed tickets (ie: 2.8 for the stable branch).

There's indeed a 2.8 target version in hub, which contains 33 tickets.

So, should all open ticket having target 2.8.x be moved to target "2.8" ?
It would be useful to have such tickets management policy written somewhere
and linked in the ticket edit form.


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