Note: This is just a email to talk about what we can do to help people move
not about when we should move to Python 3. I don't want to repeat what
happened in the SIP version change.

Hey all,

So today I was at PyCon AU and talked to a few of the core Python devs.
One of them talked about a tool they are going to use on PyPi so that it is
going to (at some stage) start rejecting uploads of Python 2.x **only**
code.  There is some code in 2.X that just doesn't work in 3.X however
there is a common sub set that can work no issues when ported.  The plan
for PyPi is to just reject code that can't be auto run on 3.X to bring
people onto a common base that can be ported easily.

I thought this might not be a bad thing for us to start doing on the plugin
upload site, not so much reject, but just warn about things that are 2.7.
We could just have something that says "This stuff is Python 2.7 and when
we move to Python 3.X it's not going to auto port and will need work"

How do people feel about that idea?

Just to rehash: This isn't saying to reject Python 2.7 only code yet, only
to warn about the stuff that will not port right away so people can plan
for it.  People could use this to create tickets to fix their plugins when
we do port.


- Nathan
Qgis-developer mailing list

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