Hey all,

After watching the QEP process since it was created I will admit that using
the Pull Request system wasn't the best solution and I'm not happy with it
and the problems it causes.  It was confusing and just clunky, live and
learn I guess.

I have decided to use GitHub issues instead as it's a lot easier to edit
and follow what is going on.  All the existing Pull Requests have been
moved and authors assigned as the owners. Sorry if I missed anyone.

Over the next few days I will convert the text to markdown so it renders

Using issues should make things clearer on what is going on as you can see
clearly what the QEP is about and the talk around it at the bottom.
Hopefully everyone is happy with this move.

This will also make editing the QEP easier as it can all just be done
though the web and then copied into the main repo when done.  I am happy to
do the last step after they are approved.

A note on the current process:  I would also like to review the current
process as I think it's failing mainly because it's just to much red tape
for what we need.    This will be a different email but it will be mainly
around which QEPs need what votes and who focuses on what to keep things

QEPs now at: https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Enhancement-Proposals/issues

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