The changes are minimal, and it will be easy to make a version that
runs in both 2.14 and 2.12. I can add it easily

About plugin releases, we do that since sometimes there are important
changes and it was better to release instead of waiting for the next
QGIS release. AFAIK, no other core plugin does that, and there are no
guidelines for it. I will be happy to discuss about it, eventually
help writing those guidelines, and making Processing comply with them.


2016-02-15 10:39 GMT+01:00 Matthias Kuhn <>:
> Hi Victor
> On 02/14/2016 07:22 PM, Victor Olaya wrote:
>> Yes, we can make a release once 2.14 is out, but there are changes in
>> the new Processing (using virtual layers)¨that make it uncompatible
>> with QGIS < 2.14....
> Are these changes so low-level that this version cannot be shipped with
> both? Can they not be catched with an if on
> qgis.utils.QGis.QGIS_VERSION_INT or a small try-except-block?
> I think this is a broader topic of what is the policy for core plugins,
> do they receive updates throughout the maintenance period of a given
> release? Are bugfixes to processing for 2.8 shipped at the moment and
> how (plugin repository or with the binary)?
> Bests
> --
> Matthias Kuhn
> -
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