Dear fellows,

My QGIS, on Windows 7, is crashing when I'm trying to access a relation within a field form layout built with drag-and-drop designer. I don't know if my particular use case is doing this, so I briefly report it here:

I have 5 Postgis tables (Appartment, Building, Land, Registration and Deed) related like this:

Apartment --- many-to-one ---> Building --- many-to-one ---> Land
Registration --- many-to-one ---> Deed
Registration --- many-to-one ---> Land
Registration --- many-to-one ---> Building
Registration --- many-to-one ---> Apartment

With all the relations being set accordingly in QGIS, I end up having the Registrations list within Land, Building, Apartment and Deed field forms (each with a tab, for convenience). I began adding the relations and testing in the above order, starting with Registration - Deed. Everything was fine, until I added the last relation. This point forward, QGIS crashes when I try to access the tab were the Registration relation fields are lying, no matter which table I'm in.

The dump summary extracted from the dump file with VS is:

Dump Summary
Dump File: qgis-20160426-164946-6580-7048-ea85bef.dmp : C:\Users\mihai.terente\AppData\Local\Temp\qgis-20160426-164946-6580-7048-ea85bef.dmp
Last Write Time:    26.04.2016 16:50:14
Process Name:    qgis-bin.exe : C:\OSGeo4W64\bin\qgis-bin.exe
Process Architecture:    x64
Exception Code:    0xC0000005
Exception Information: The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
Heap Information:    Not Present

The funny thing is that I am able to reproduce the use case in a fresh project, but my initial .qgs is highly customized and I would be glad to prevent this from happening in production so any hint on this is highly appreciated.

All the best,
Mihai Terente

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