On 25 Oct 2016 7:37 PM, "Geo DrinX" <geodr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good morning,
> we have seen that the new QGIS 2.18  reports a warning when opens a
.qgs  project file,
> reporting that it is an old version, and saving again, it could be
incompatible with old versions of QGIS.
> We  are asking what is the reason for this.  Could you explain us ?

There's no backward compatibility in qgs files. If you upgrade them then
they won't necessarily be the same in earlier versions. Sometimes they
won't be openable at all in earlier versions. Hence the warning.

> BTW, there is a function for saving the .qgs  file  in a previous version

No, nothing like that exists.


> Thank you
> Geo
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