Some other points below:

1/ An option I couldn't understand is in Layer properties dialog -->
General tab, the option *Layer name .... displayed as .... *where you can
only change the layer name but the "displayed as" is immediately synced
with it.
I'd expect the Layer name to not be modifiable and the displayed one to be
the way I want it to appear in my project.

2/ Being able to give a title to the symbology, which will be used by
default in the composer legend. I mean, with a single layer, I can prepare
different styles showing different analysis of the same data (let's say
"type of service of airports" in a case  and "level of activity of
airports" in other one). But I can only have a single name for the layer
regardless these styles. So when this layer is added to the composer legend
the group name that is displayed is the layer name which I would then need
to replace for a more related title. Having a title set in the Symbology
dialog (and saved within the style) would help to skip that step.
This title could also be displayed in the Layers panel, just under the
layer name.

Should I open issues in the UIX platform or should I rather open the issues
in redmine?


2016-12-20 22:35 GMT+01:00 DelazJ <del...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> Thanks to this thread a new repository for UI/UX issues has been created
> and several issues have already been reported (
> https://github.com/qgis/qgis3_UIX_discussion/issues).
> One of the objectives of that repository is to have people without
> particular coding skills join and help on what they could. BUT as mentioned
> also in the discussion, some work could not be moved forward without devs
> inputs and guidings. I know that you are all busy but it'd be nice if, from
> time to time, some devs could give a look to that repository and help for
> questions or add their opinions.
> Some questions are raised at:
> https://github.com/qgis/qgis3_UIX_discussion/issues/19
> https://github.com/qgis/qgis3_UIX_discussion/issues/14
> https://github.com/qgis/qgis3_UIX_discussion/issues/11
> and many others... that could be of interest for you..
> Thanks for your availability,
> Harrissou
> 2016-12-05 22:22 GMT+01:00 Chris Nicholas <cnicho...@housecanary.com>:
>> I would really like an option to allow advanced users to manually just
>> SET the extents of a vector layer when first adding it, so that a full
>> table-scan can be avoided to derive that result.
>> This still seems to happen, even though the “use estimated metadata” flag
>> is checked, when first adding a layer.
>> Gotta say that I too have built the new QGIS3 from source and it does
>> seem quite usable … EXCELLENT work folks!!
>> thanks -
>> Chris
>> On Dec 2, 2016, at 7:54 PM, Nyall Dawson <nyall.daw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 25 Nov 2016 9:22 PM, "Alexandre Neto" <senhor.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> QGIS 3 is getting lots of love, and we are seeing new features being
>> added, some legacy code being clean up, and so on. We are all aware that
>> this will break the 2.x API, but now it's the time for it.
>> So I wondered if this is not the perfect time to think about some UI/UX
>> changes as well, as it will lead to more work in translation and
>> Documentation. Could we do a list of UI/UX stuff that we could improve?
>> I can think of a few things:
>> *Consistency*
>>  - "search", "select" and "browse" for browsing files;
>> - "Add saved file to map", "Load into canvas when finished", "Open output
>> file after running algorithm";
>> - there is more of these for sure;
>> *Help and Documentation*
>> - Most of our help buttons lead to nowhere, we already talked about
>> pointing them to the User's Manual online (although we would need a
>> solution for working with it offline and in different languages)
>> *Defaults*
>> - Should default selection color not be opaque?
>> - Showing only selected features vertexes by default?
>> - Map template, we could provide a very simple template as default (I
>> think there was already some discussion about this); Most people I see gets
>> very confused when they see a completely empty page.
>> Here's another idea for a great project t which doesn't involve
>> c++/python: check through and delete unused png icons.
>> A lot of the old png icons have been replaced with proper svg versions,
>> but the pngs are still included and in some cases they are incorrectly used
>> instead of the svg replacements.
>> Identifying these would be a matter of going though each png icon in the
>> repo and searching through the code (eg via "git grep mactionrefresh.png")
>> to see if they are still used anywhere. (Ignore any hits in the resources
>> files!) . If they aren't they can be safely removed. If they are, you could
>> check whether a suitable svg replacement can be used.
>> The more pngs we remove the easier it will be to identify which remaining
>> icons require vector versions.
>> Nyall
>> Alexandre Neto
>> --
>> Alexandre Neto
>> ---------------------
>> @AlexNetoGeo
>> http://sigsemgrilhetas.wordpress.com
>> http://gisunchained.wordpress.com
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