I wrote this long time ago...


I guess it might be helpful for you


2017-07-20 16:52 GMT+02:00 Olivier Dalang <olivier.dal...@gmail.com>:
> Dear List,
> Using QGIS 2.18, I'm trying to find a way to deploy plugins directly from
> github using the following procedure :
> 1. Add a plugin.xml file to my repo, with this content :
> <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
> <plugins>
>     <pyqgis_plugin name="MyPlugin" version="0.0.13">
>         <version>0.0.13</version>
>         <author_name>Olivier Dalang</author_name>
> <download_url>https://github.com/{username}/MyPlugin/archive/0.0.13.zip</download_url>
>         <file_name>MyPlugin-0.0.13.zip</file_name>
>     </pyqgis_plugin>
> </plugins>
> 2. Add the xml repo in QGIS plugin manager
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/{username}/MyPlugin/master/repository.xml
> 3. Create and push a tag named 0.0.13
> If this worked, it would be a big win, as it would allow to deploy plugins
> updates really easily, just by creating tags and updating the xml file
> whenever I want my users to update the plugin. It avoids having to create
> the zip, host it somewhere else, and maintain an up to date xml separately
> for each update.
> The only thing is that it doesn't work. I get an error on installing the
> plugin : "Plugin installation failed. Failed to unzip package".
> Github appends the tag name (or branch name) to the downloaded folder
> (inside the zip). When unpacking the zip, I get a folder called
> MyPlugin-0.0.13 instead of just MyPlugin. I suspect this causes the problem.
> I tried to workaround this problem by using the master branch, and renaming
> my plugin to MyPlugin-master, but I still get the same error. Maybe it is so
> that dashes are not supported at all in plugin names ?
> Was anyone able to setup such a workflow ?
> Kind regards,
> Olivier
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