On Mon, Oct 02, 2017 at 03:56:00PM +0200, Matthias Kuhn wrote:

> At the moment, we are left with 3 tests that are still failing:
> - qgis_rastersublayertest
> - PyQgsShapefileProvider
> - PyQgsWFSProvider


> It would be very welcome if the original authors of these tests or the

I think I might be the author of qgis_rastersublayertest but could
not verify as all of these failed:

  $ find . -name qgis_rastersublayertest.c
  $ find . -name rastersublayertest.c
  $ find . -name '*rastersublayertest*'
  $ git grep qgis_rastersublayertest
  $ git grep rastersublayertest

Frustration took over and I gave up.
Does anyone have an hint about improving this situation ?
It keeps striking me everytime I'm looking for the source code
of a test...

PS: after writing this I went with `git grep rastersublayer` and
    saw the light (but the issue remain, I would not want to
    try my luck again with the other two...)

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