
In QGIS 3 the node editing on canvas was quite improved (thanks Martin and the sponsors!), however, the vertex editor that allowed to edit individual nodes in a list of exact coordinates suffered a lot.

See https://issues.qgis.org/issues/17243

Could a developer, during feature freeze, give the vertex editor some attention and fix the open issues?

I know that one can also use the advanced digitizin panel to edit vertices - but to be honest, this panel is so confusing to me - and probably to 90 % of the users out there as well - so I think the separate vertex editor panel still makes sense.

For 3.2 I would even suggest to add new features to the vertex editor panel, to allow adding new features or add/delete individual coordinates of existing features, e.g. add new points at a given position, or delete one or more nodes.

And of course, expose and allow editing z and m values.

@Martin: would you have time fixing the vertex editor during the bug fixing period, or should I ask another dev?



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